
"You're mad. Bonkers. Off your head...but I'll tell you a secret...all the best people are." -Alice in Wonderland


I have a love hate relationship with the word "crazy". Sometimes I feel crazy because I'm jealous my boyfriend has friends who are girls. Sometimes I feel crazy because I decided to dedicate part of my life to owning and caring for a non-traditional pet. And more often than not I feel crazy for being depressed when I have no reason to be. But I think the craziest thing about being crazy is that it's not crazy, it's just being human. I think a lot of the time we mistake any feelings that aren't positive for being crazy when in reality they're just normal feelings. Sometimes people get jealous. Sometimes you make snap decisions at petsmart. And sometimes the chemicals in your brain don't balance out correctly and you cry for no reason. But those are the things that make us human. And they're really beautiful. They're the parts of us that make us stronger and more interesting and down right human as fuck. And if that's what being crazy is then I am really thankful I am.


To being crazy.