
"Happiness is an inside job. Don't assign anyone else that much power over your life." -Julianne Hough


I am a firm believer that happiness needs to be something which you manifest for yourself. No one and nothing else is ever going to be good enough to fill that void for you. When I went through my depression I was trying to rely on everyone else around me and all of the physical things that I had to help me out and bring me happiness and that led me down a dark path. Once I realized that life isn't going to make itself perfect for you on it's own, things turned around. The more positive vibes that you put into the world the more positive vibes you'll get back from it. The world definitely doesn't owe you anything so don't give 10% and expect to receive 100% in return. Make it a priority to make time to do things that make you happy. No matter how busy your schedule is I know that you have five minutes a day to devote to reading or yoga or dancing or funny cat videos or whatever it is that makes you happy. Also, be kind to other people no matter what happens, they are just trying to be happy just like you are and kindness is contagious. All in all just remember that you are the captain on your ship and you have to choose where it goes, even if it's not easy. And I hope you choose to captain it towards happiness. 


To captaining our ships