
 "I know I'm good for something I just haven't found it yet" -Mayday Parade


Living life as a young adult I can not tell you how many times I get asked what I'm going to do with my life. If I had a nickel for every time then I would have a Target shopping cart full of nickels (although the nickels would probably just fall through all the holes in the cart so maybe that was a bad example... but, I digress). Anyway, I know from experience and from talking to so many other people in the same position that it's the worst question ever. Why? Because we have no fucking clue. Sure, maybe we have a general idea of what "we want to be when we grow up" based on our interests and what we're studying, but most of the time people don't end up with work in their field of study at all. And although it stresses me out to no end, I love it. I love that our destinies aren't set in stone and that there are a million paths just waiting for us to take them! I think not knowing what you're doing is great because it allows you to be open to new things and ideas and opportunities that drop at your feet. And I wouldn't wish that away in a million years. Don't worry if you don't know what you're doing, there are so many things out there that you may not have even heard of yet that you are perfect for. Believe in yourself to choose the right path when the time comes, but for now I think we should just sit back and enjoy being young and confused.


To the path you choose